An Ugly Attempt To Wipe Out Islam- RELIGION

The conditions of the country which started to deteriorate after the rule of the former dictator General Pervez Musharraf have not recovered till now. Apart from Peshawar, Quetta, Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Islamabad, there are many famous cities of the country that are trapped in the storm of suicide attacks, bomb blasts, murders, looting and target killings, and it is difficult to get out of them. So far, no effort seems to be successful. Because on Sunday evening, March 27, 2016, another alleged suicide blast took place in Lahore's Gulshan Iqbal Park, in which more than 70 people were martyred and more than 350 were injured. According to newspaper reports, Lahore has been the target of more than three dozen explosions in the last twelve years. 

The most victims in this blast were women and children who had come to spend their Sunday holiday in this park for sightseeing and swinging. As chaos spread after the explosion, many children were separated from their parents and guardians and many of them lost their lives due to being trampled under one foot. This is the same park in which a week later, under the authority of Al-Madaris al-Arabiya, the Conference on Stability of Madrasas and Pakistan was to be held, for which preliminary preparations were also made, but the Majlis-e-Amaila of Al-Madaris Al-Arabiya Pakistan expressed solidarity with the heirs of these martyrs and the situation in the country. In view of this, the conference was postponed for an indefinite period and announced to observe 31 March 2016 as Pakistan's Stability and Prayer Day. 

Every intelligent and peace-minded person knows that these Madrasahs and the people engaged in education and learning in them are the most desirous and striving for the national security and stability of Pakistan and for this they keep praying and supplicating to their Lord in the morning and evening. But a certain lobby has always been blaming him by spreading slander and false propaganda against him. Some time ago an advertisement was made by the government circles and it tried to show through pictures what a terrorist looks like. The picture of the terrorist that was shown in it, the beard and the turban were made clear that the terrorist is of such a style, Nauz Ballallah min zalik. And now Muhammad Yusuf, who was martyred in this blast, who had come to this park with his friends for fun, his identity card was in his pocket, just because of his facial beard made him believe that he was a suicide bomber. went. 

What is even more tragic is that the institutions where he studied were desecrated, raided, administrators intimidated, Muhammad Yusuf's native area was besieged and his four brothers were arrested. He was shifted to an unknown location, his elderly parents who had gone on Umrah were abused, may God bless his companion Muhammad Yaqub who was injured in the attack, he said that we three friends. We came for a walk, we prayed, ate and drank, suddenly there was a terrible explosion, and my friend left me forever. It remains a matter of public interest that the suicide was killed, but his identity card was so fire and bomb proof that he escaped being burnt. Although the investigative bodies later declared Muhammad Yusuf clear, this proved that there is a biased and extremist section in the country's ruling institutions and in the media, which links terrorism with religion and religious schools. It seems that this laden and religion-averse class has dominated the leaders and officials of political parties so much that they can follow whatever they want. Until some time ago, the people of Pakistan were unable to understand that what has suddenly happened to our rulers that they are refusing to eliminate usurious business and transactions from the country's economy? 

They are shouting slogans of liberalism, joining in religious festivals of Hindus, expressing their desire to have color thrown at them by the hands of Hindus. The resolution to cancel the holiday named after Allama Iqbal and the holiday of religious festivals of Hindus and Christians is being passed by the National Assembly. The Sindh government has also given a holiday for Hindu festivals. And the leader of a party, Barmla, is saying that a Muslim can become president in India, so why can't a minority become president in Pakistan? Similarly, the Women's Protection Bill has been passed by the Punjab Assembly and it has been made a part of the law, in which there is a provision that four people from the civil society will be taken in the Protection Committee, which means that now the NGOs are directly under the government. Options will be found. In the same way, the ideas against religion and against Islam are being promoted by bringing the people who are fond of modernity to the public and the media is giving them good coverage.

 Love-of-deen and patriotic journalists and scholars used to make it very clear in their writings and speeches that whatever is happening is an external agenda and it has been kept hidden for many purposes, but now it is The matter has been debunked by the American think tank itself, which the country's renowned journalist and daily Jang columnist, Mr. Ansar Abbasi, wrote in his column on March 28, 2016, "The American policy paper exposed the original agenda of liberalism." It has been described in detail in Nakab Kardi. He said: In what form America wants to mold Islam and through what means, policies and thinking it is promoting its favorite Islam in the world, look at this document instead of any conspiracy theory or analysis. Which is the "Focus" of this American and European policy and which America and Europe are trying to impose on Islamic countries.